Mānuka is Made for Munchkins
By Gabrielle
November 15, 2021

Let’s be honest, being a parent is challenging at times. It is one of the hardest (and most rewarding) jobs there is, and especially during quarantine, when we are not only parents, but babysitters, playmates, teachers, you name it. During these uncertain times, one of the hardest jobs as a parent is making sure your child is healthy. However, one of the simplest ways to keep your child healthy and frankly happy, is by using Mānuka honey. It tastes like a dessert, but packs the nutritional punch of a raw superfood meal.
“We love ACTIVIST Mānuka so much; it is truly liquid gold for my daughter’s immune system. She takes a spoonful daily with her elderberry for the last year and it’s truly a life-saver. My in-laws live in New Zealand half of the year and bring us our fair share of Mānuka, but there is something otherworldly about yours (aside from the brilliant packaging), that delivers exactly what our family of three need to stay healthy! I’m so grateful you were brought into our lives! ” — Alexis R.

Is Mānuka Honey Safe for Children?
A question we receive often and for good reason. Much of the concern around honey and children relates to children under that age of 12 months. Honey can cause Infant Botulism, a type of food poisoning and, for that reason, honey of any kind is not considered safe for children under the age of one.
Infant Botulism is caused by bacteria called Clostridium. As kids get older and their digestive systems mature, they produce defenses that prevent the growth of this bacteria and it is safe for them to consume honey.
Not only is Mānuka Honey safe for older children, it comes with a long list of benefits, making it an obvious choice for the pantry and home apothecary.
Benefits of Mānuka Honey for Children
Immune system health
Mānuka honey strengthens the immune system and increases cytokine production. It is highly anti-bacterial and microbial. Utilizing Mānuka regularly ensures that your kids can develop strong immunity against several disease causing microbes.
Many Kiwi families are so strict with using Mānuka daily in order to keep their little ones away from antibiotic use, which is known to wipe out beneficial bacteria from the gut and significantly weaken fragile immune systems. In fact, with consistent use of antibiotics, pathogens adapt and slowly begin to resist antibiotics, whereas raw Mānuka honey contains copious amounts of vitamins and minerals that suppress pathogens. Mānuka has been proven to have efficacy against antibiotic-resistant microbes.
Cold and flu symptoms
If your kids are having any kind of sinus or cold/flu-like symptoms, they can be greatly reduced by taking a glass of warm water mixed with one or two tablespoons of Mānuka honey. We like to add extra potency with ginger and lemon. It will also help to improve sore throats and help soothe coughs. Its delicious taste will be an easy sell for kids.
Essential vitamins and minerals
Simply put, raw honey has some of the richest vitamins and minerals of any other substance on the planet. Mānuka is a great way to get your children their essential daily nutrients. It contains b12 coenzymes, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, chromium, molybdenum, and manganese. In addition, it is full of amino and fatty acids and is high in vitamin C.
Our favorites for kids
ACTIVIST Mānuka for Munchkins ~ 200+MGO
Our Raw Mānuka Honey is a superfood treat, packed with a nutritional punch. A rich source of vitamins and minerals, ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey is a great way to give your children their essential daily nutrients for immune support and healthy well-being.
ACTIVIST Mānuka Immune Elixir
Nourishes and supports the immune system. Safe for the entire family, apart from infants under 12months of age. Alcohol free.
ACTIVIST Mānuka Essential Oil
Cleans broken skin caused by cuts, abrasions, burns, bug bites and rashes. For topical use only.
If your little ones are constantly running around, climbing on high objects and basically chasing everything you wish they wouldn’t, then it’s no surprise that they get cuts and scrapes quite frequently. The methylglyoxal enzymes within Mānuka honey create a natural hydrogen peroxide that works as an anti-bacterial.
Wound healing
If your little ones are constantly running around, climbing on high objects and basically chasing everything you wish they wouldn’t, then it’s no surprise that they get cuts and scrapes quite frequently. The methylglyoxal enzymes within the honey create a natural hydrogen peroxide that works as an anti-bacterial. Mānuka can soothe inflammation and pain, as well as, dress a wound at any stage. Lastly, it can stimulate wound healing time. A great way to utilize it is by spreading it underneath band-aids or directly on top of cuts and grazes, insect bites or sunburns.
Reduce plaque and gingivitis
Plaque and gingivitis are common problems that kids can suffer from due to the accumulation of sugar and other food particles in between the teeth. It can be hard to get your kids to properly brush their teeth during their early years. However, there is a type of sugar that won’t rot their teeth, but in fact heal and protect it - Mānuka honey! The antimicrobial properties in Mānuka can aid in combating the bacteria responsible for plaque and gingivitis.
Reduction in insomnia
If your kids have trouble sleeping or settling down, try giving them a warm drink with Mānuka honey. The glycogen present in the honey helps release melatonin, which is an essential hormone secreted from the pineal gland to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Honey may also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that serves as a precursor for melatonin.

Mix Mānuka into everyday essentials
Drizzle over fruit
Kids will honestly think it is a dessert on its own. Our favorite combination is a bowl of strawberries and Mānuka honey. Once eaten, the sweet combination creates a delicious, yet medicinal ambrosia syrup at the bottom of the bowl that needs to be licked to the last drop.
Put into vegetable juices
To sneak kids into drinking their essential nutrients
Drizzle on salad or in dressings
To promote healthy eating habits with a sweet kick
A spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down
Just like apples (which happen to go great dipped into Mānuka honey), a spoonful a day keeps the doctor away.

"I can’t tell you how thankful we are for all of your honey! I had wanted the 1000+MGO Mānuka Honey for so long (seems like a popular one as everywhere is always out of stock!) – so incredibly excited you have it in stock! We have five little ones (ranging from 2 to 14) and we have been using your 850+MGO daily for sunburns, cuts, my nightly face mask etc… cannot say enough amazing things about it! I have the 100+MGO which we use for all our food needs; just love you all and your products! Thank you for keeping our family healthy! Much Love." — Shelah A & Family.
Additional child-friendly health tips
We recommend taking a kid-friendly multivitamin
One of our favorites is a probiotic, vegan kids multivitamin by one of the cleanest companies on the market, Mary Ruth Organics.
Stay away from dairy
Dairy is highly inflammatory. It is mucus forming, clogs the digestion and the liver’s immune system, and promotes viruses and other pathogens. If you are worried about making sure your child gets the proper calcium and silica, do not worry, plant foods strengthen bones and provide more than enough.
Get outside
Let your children be exposed to earth’s natural healing ions. When children spend most of their time indoors, they miss out. Kids who have direct access to nature are better learners, creative individuals and problem solvers. Exposure to nature has been shown to reduce stress, increase attention spans, increase vitamin D levels, and reduce radiation from technology. Lastly, in a study by scientist and microbiologist Jack Gilbert, he found that kids exposure to the outside world will actually make their immune systems stronger. He found that by over-sterilizing or keeping kids from the natural elements, they in turn have weaker immune systems and much more health issues as they age.

Immune Boosting Elderberry
Mānuka Honey Gummies
1/2 cup elderberry syrup 1/2 cup pure apple juice 2 tablespoons Mānuka honey 2 ¼ teaspoons agar agar powder
- Begin making this elderberry gummy recipe in a small saucepan, by combining juice, syrup and agar.
- Stir well to mix.
- Turn on the heat and gently heat to a simmer.
- Add honey and continue to heat for 5-10 minutes.
- When the mixture takes on a slightly thicker and less grainy appearance, remove from the heat.
- Using a dropper, measure mixture into gummy molds of choice.
- Cool slightly on the counter, then transfer to the refrigerator to cool completely.
- After 30 minutes, un-mold and place gummies in a storage container.
- Store in the refrigerator.