Bonnie Wright
December 13, 2022

Bonnie Wright @thisisbwright
All photographs by Nastassia Brückin for ACTIVIST
"I feel closest to nature when I am surfing. But when I am far from the ocean or in an environment without traditional natural spaces I like to remind myself that the touch of my skin is as close to nature as anything." — Bonnie Wright
What do you spend your time doing?
Questioning the systems at play, society’s, my own, nature’s. Observing life and telling stories through film to make sense of it.
Favorite flower:
Bluebells. You’re not allowed to pick them in England because they are protected wildlife, the sense of the forbidden has always fascinated me. They also look beautiful as a sea of blue on the forest floor.
What are personal values that you believe in:
I trust people who are loyal, with friendships, love, their craft, their story and beliefs. I strive to live in reflection of my values.
A song or band from your formative teenage years that still resonates with you today and why:
James Taylor’s Sweet Baby James album, my Grandad introduced me to him and gave me his copy. I know every lyric and beat.
Fire, Earth, Water, Air?
I feel like my spirit is Water but I think my body is Fire.
DIY skill you possess or want to learn:
I have been nicknamed Dad by roommates in the past so I clearly love any type of DIY. I can build a good campfire and always remember to measure twice and cut once with any DIY tasks.
If you could change one thing about the world right now, what would it be:
The disparity between people. I wish we had empathy for each other’s differences, to allow more space and time to focus on our similarities. We could then be allies with effective solutions.

Eco-therapy; how do you like to be involved with Mother Nature?
I feel closest to nature when I am surfing. But when I am far from the ocean or in an environment without traditional natural spaces I like to remind myself that the touch of my skin is as close to nature as anything.
How do you use Activist Mānuka Honey?
By the spoonful! I recently recorded my first two audiobooks and hours of using my voice was saved by ACTIVIST. I have also been experimenting with it in my cooking.
What is natural beauty to you?
Being gentle and forgiving to your skin and body as it journeys through its cycle. I use simple and few products, when choosing things I make sure I can pronounce everything on the ingredient list. The more time I spend outside the shorter my beauty routine becomes.
How do you try and keep your life uncomplicated?
Letting complicated relationships go and investing in friends around me that make me feel loved and inspired.
Favorite recipe to cook for friends?
My latest favorite recipe is a very simple almond meal, blueberry and honey cake – made extra special with ACTIVIST!
250g Almond meal
1/2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
A pinch of salt
Separately mix
3 Eggs
3tbsp Activist Mānuka honey
1tsp Vanilla essence
Combine wet and dry mix
Simmer over heat
350g Blueberries
2tbls Activist Mānuka honey
1tsp cinnamon
A pinch of salt
Pour cake mix into baking tray, then add blueberry mix as the second layer. Bake at 180C for 20-30mins
Recipe from @thesecret_kitchen
A challenge in your life that you have overcome:
I’m unsure if you ever overcome something. I feel that we are in a constant process of processing, with new layers always appearing. It’s all challenging from our own perspective.
Is there something you are passionate about at present or want to bring light onto a particular subject?
Waste and how we can each individually be more mindful consumers. I think our society has grown so quickly that we’ve lost touch with the cause and effect of our choices.